A few days to my birthday, in February and my energy was just every where and I stumbled on this photo PS I follow Nancie Mwai religiously .
If its both terrifying and amazing you should definitely pursue it. -Erada.
For a moment I got terrified never been on an actual date myself that you say it’s formal
I actually did a repost on it while smiling and forgot about it.
When I got the notification that I had actually won the Valentine A Time to love date, my mouth went dry and so did my thoughts..I didn’t expect to win. Excitement dawned on me on the actually D – Day.
Have you ever been scared , anxious with a triple dose of mixed feelings. All questions that flood into your mind.
“Will I be good enough, hot enough just every bit of the beautiful drop dead gorgeous of vogue magazine?”
My other side of thoughts in the voice of Dev Range “Don’t ever compare yourself with anyone in this world if you do, you are insulting yourself”.
Forever is too long to be unhappy to fill yourself with crippling thoughts. Doubts will kill more dreams than failure ever did. Beauty starts in your head not in your mirror – Joubert Botha.
Love is a human need, it can hurt but it can also heal and mend your soul. It’s the only thing that we will take when we die – Photograph time forever still, a time to love Gear S2 classic.
Love is appreciation and awareness , it’s being present and choosing to be present. The gift of being able to see each other the same way is a lifetime gift. Confidence and being your awesome best is the stepping stone towards it all. Be unafraid to be YOURSELF.
A time to love Samsung Gear S2 classic way..
The little things , the little moments – They aren’t little – Daniel Amos.
Same applies to my confidence journey, it applies to you too awesome people.
As the day unfolded I got a surprise here
©Mazuri Kenya.
February should be everyday :):):):):):):).

Special thank you to the whole Samsung team and everyone who made this possible humble moments.
How did the date go watch here… Sorry you won’t hear our conversation hehe.
Samsung Gear S2 Classic – A time to love

Location : Dusit2 kileleshwa Nairobi.
Make up : Lilian.
Wardrobe :Nancie Mwai & Nick Ondu
Photography : Samsung Kenya.

One day you will wake up and there won’t be anymore time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do.
Do it now – Paulo Couelho.
A time to love 😘😘✨✨.
Miss Flônt It.